South Gibson School Corporation Board of Trustees Meeting

Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board


Steve Gruszewski called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.  In addition to Board Members and administration, corporate counsel Bob Kinkle, South Gibson Teachers Association President Angela Cooper, and Sarah Loesch from the Princeton Clarion.  No patrons were in attendance.  A moment of silence was observed for Zane Wampler, former SGSC student who recently died in a tragic accident.

Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board


Mr. Gruszewski opened the floor for patrons concerns.  None were raised.

Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent


The board was presented with the February 2020 financial reports for both the corporation and the building ECA accounts.  Also presented was a statement on COVID-19 and Executive Order regarding the Public Health Emergency. 

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent


David Lewis made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented.  Janet McBee seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0.

Result: Approved

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

4.1 Approve Minutes from February 18, 2020 Regular Board meeting and Executive Session meeting
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

4.2.1  RESIGNATIONS  Amy Moore, Art Teacher @ OCS effective 3/13/20
4.2.2  ECA  Lexi Michel, Volunteer Girls Tennis Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Dillon Whitten, Volunteer Boys Baseball Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20
4.2.4  FMLA  Brent Winstead  Amy Foster  Elizabeth Elpers  Kendra Barrett  Emily Kavanagh  Tim Tichenor
4.2.6  RETIREMENTS  Jim Farmer, OCS effective 4/30/20  Tim Tichenor, OCS effective 4/30/20

4.2.7  LOA  Emily Kavanah, Oct, 2020 - May, 2021

Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent


Payments approved included:


    Checks dated February 28, 2020        $468,878.39
    Checks dated March 13, 2020             $444,101.90

Payables included vouchers  55370-55387, 55388-55567 along with EFT for taxes and INPRS in the amount of $989,229.78

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

5.1 Approve Homebound Contract for Jennifer Lintzenich
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


Janet McBee made a motion to approve the Homebound Contract for payment for Jennifer Lintzenich.  Pat Bengert seconded the motion and the motion passed by a vote of 7-0.

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

5.2 2nd Reading Noela Policy 8451 and 9270
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


Janet McBee made a motion to approve the second reading for Policy 8451 and Policy 9270.  Tim Nurrenbern seconded the motion and the motion passed with a vote of 7-0.

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

5.3 Approve LOA for Emily Kavanagh for 2020-21 school year
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent


This item was removed from the agenda as it was addressed in the consent items.

5.4 Approve Summer School offerings for 2020 to include Geography and History of the World, IREAD Summer Remediation, Indiana Virtual Academy, and English Language Learners
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


Tim Nurrenbern made a motion to approve the Summer School offerings as listed.  Don Steinmetz seconded the motion.  The motion passed with a vote of 7-0.

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

5.5 Approve Administration recommendation to pay hourly support staff who normally do not work during school shut downs
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
15 minutes


Dr. Cox made a motion to approve the Resolution 2020-4 which provides Administration the ability to continue pay for hourly support staff who normally do not work .  David Lewis seconded the motion.  The motion passed with a vote of 7-0.  The resolution will expire on June 5, 2020.

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

5.6 Transfer $166,818.09 from Education to Operations for February 2020 expenses
Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent
1 minutes

For February 2020 to be done in March 2020

Departments previously paid from Basic Grant Revenues

Operations Fund Program Title Monthly Expense

300 23110 School Board $-   

300 23150 Legal Services $2,287.50 

300 23210 Superintendents Office $13,503.98 

300 25110 Business Office $16,385.96 

300 25790 Other Personnel Services $-   

300 26100 Maintenance Office $6,155.85 

300 26200 Maintenance & Buildings $149,028.24 

300 26300 Maintenance of Grounds $200.00 

300 26500 Vehicles - not Buses $8,856.56 

                                                                                    Subtotal $196,418.09 

Credit for previous utilities paid from old CPF file $355,200/12 $29,600.00 

Total Transfer from 101 to 300                                            $ 166,818.09 

Basic Grant $1,181,579.91             14.12%


Tim Nurrenbern made a motion to approve the transfer of $166,818.09 from the Education Fund to the Operations Fund for March, 2020.  Dr. Conway Cox seconded the motion.  The motion passed with a vote of 7-0.

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

7.1 Academic Excellence - May 4, 2020 - Grades 6 - 12 - 6 pm
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

7.2 Academic Excellence - May 5, 2020 - Grades 1 - 5 - 6 pm
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

7.3 Gibson Southern High School baccalaureate - May 22, 2020 - 6 pm
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

7.4 GSHS commencement - 7:00 pm, May 22 2019
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board


With no further business to discuss, Tim Nurrenbern made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:42 pm.  Janet McBee seconded the motion and the motion passed with a vote of 7-0.

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX