South Gibson School Corporation Board of Trustees Meeting

Mrs. Janet McBee, President of the Board


Dr. Cox opened the meeting at 6:30 pm. In addition to Board members and administration, Angela Cooper of the South Gibson Teachers Association was in attendance as well as patrons of the district. 

1.1 Open the 2022 Budget, Bus Replacement, and Capital Projects Fund Hearing

Mrs. Janet McBee, President of the Board


The floor was opened for patron concerns but none were voiced.

Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent


The Board reviewed the corporation and ECA reports for September 2021.

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent


Tim Nurrenbern made a motion to approve the consent items as presented. Steve Gruszewski seconded the motion and the motion passed 4-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board Secretary

Mr. Michael Bengert, President of the Board of Finance   
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board SecretaryX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, President of the Board   
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member   
Dr. Conway Cox, Vice President of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  

4.1 Approve Minutes from September 21, 2021 Regular Board meeting and Executive Session meeting
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

4.2.1  RESIGNATIONS  Amanda Parshall, effective 10/22/21  Alexandra Foster, effective 10/11/21
4.2.2  ECA  Matt Grabbe, Head Girls Tennis Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  Kyle Brasher, Head Girls Basketball Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  Ron Kahle, Assistant Girls Basketball Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  Rusty Reeves, Assistant Girls Basketball Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  Chris May, Head Baseball Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  Gary May, Head Softball Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  Matt Reinbrecht, Boys Golf Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  Jeremy Aydt, Varsity Track Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  Ron Kahle, Varsity Track Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  DG Asay, Head Wrestling Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  Kasey Knaebel, Head Swimming Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  Vicky Bratton, Volunteer Softball Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  Kyla Chandler, Volunteer with the Speech Program at FBCS for 2021-22  Josh Elpers, Volunteer Wrestling Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  Troy Bezy, 6th Gr. Volunteer Girls Basketball Coach @ HCS for 2021-22  Amy Weyer, 5th Gr. Volunteer Girls Basketball Coach @ HCS for 2021-22  Jennifer Hall, 5th Gr. Volunteer Girls Asst. Basketball Coach @ HCS for 2021-22  Dan Colbert, 5th Gr. Volunteer Boys Basketball Coach @ HCS for 2021-22  Joshua Dilbeck, 5th Gr. Volunteer Boys Basketball Coach @ OCS for 2021-22  Clinton Fuhs, 6th Gr. Volunteer Boys Basketball Coach @ FBCS for 2021-22  Krista Coleman, 5th Gr. Volunteer Boys Basketball Coach @ FBCS for 2021-22  Rob Shadwick, 6th Gr. Volunteer Girls Basketball Coach @ FBCS for 2021-22  Darrell Edwards, 6th Gr. Volunteer Girls  Assistant Basketball Coach @ HCS for 2021-22  Jon Spindler, 5th Gr. Volunteer Boys Assistant Basketball Coach @ HCS for 2021-22  Jerry Aydt, Volunteer Track and Field Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  Stu Parks, Volunteer Track and Field Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  Eric Harper, Volunteer Track and Field Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  Kasey Knaebel, Volunteer Track and Field Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  Hayden Baehl, Volunteer Track and Field Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  Racheal Hileman, Volunteer Track and Field Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  Douglas Schneider, Assistant Swim Coach @ GSHS for 2021-22  Michael Duke, 5th Gr. Girls Volunteer Basketball Coach @ OCS for 2021-22  Carmel Duke, 5th Gr. Girls Volunteer Basketball Coach @ OCS for 2021-22  Trianna McKinley, 6th Gr. Girls Volunteer Basketball Coach @ OCS for 2021-22
4.2.4  FMLA  Melissa Wilzbacher, FBCS  Donna Dunlap, HCS  Jacob Mills, FBCS  Sarah Higdon, GSHS
4.2.5  TRANSFERS  Emilee Cunningham, chg in days worked from 5 days/wk to 2 days/wk

Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent


Claims will be presented at the 26 October meeting.

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

5.1 Approve contract with Hafer on FBCS final phase HVAC
Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent
10 minutes

The initial estimate on the construction is $390,000 with $33,000 in architect fees. The majority of the cost is budgeted in our ESSER III budget.


Don Steinmetz made a motion to approve the contract with Hafer on the FBCS HVAC phase 5 upgrades.  Steve Gruszewski seconded the motion and the action passed 4-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Don Steinmetz, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board Secretary

Mr. Michael Bengert, President of the Board of Finance   
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board SecretaryX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, President of the Board   
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member   
Dr. Conway Cox, Vice President of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  

5.2 Approve the initiation of receiving appraisals and beginning preparations to sell the land parcel South Gibson wishes to sell
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent


Don Steinmetz made a motion to approve moving forward on preparations to sell the land parcel in Johnson Township.  Steve Gruszewski seconded the motion and the action passed 4-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Don Steinmetz, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board Secretary

Mr. Michael Bengert, President of the Board of Finance   
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board SecretaryX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, President of the Board   
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member   
Dr. Conway Cox, Vice President of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

6.1 Move November 16, 2021 Board of Trustees meeting to November 15, 2021
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent


Tim Nurrenbern made a motion to approve the moving of the November Board meeting to 15 November 2021 (Monday) instead of 16 November 2021.  Don Steinmetz seconded the motion and the meeting is moved on a 4-0 vote.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Don Steinmetz, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Mr. Michael Bengert, President of the Board of Finance   
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board SecretaryX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, President of the Board   
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member   
Dr. Conway Cox, Vice President of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

Mrs. Janet McBee, President of the Board


With no more business to conduct, Tim Nurrenbern made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Steve Gruszewski seconded the motion and the Board adjourned on a 4-0 vote at 6:41 pm. 

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board Secretary

Mr. Michael Bengert, President of the Board of Finance   
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board SecretaryX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, President of the Board   
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member   
Dr. Conway Cox, Vice President of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX