South Gibson School Corporation Board of Trustees Meeting

Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board


Steve Gruszewski called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  Besides board members and administration, Angela Cooper of the South Gibson Teachers Association was present.  Also present was a representative from the Gibson County Clerk's office to swear in members.  No media was present.

Tim Nurrenbern and Janet McBee were sworn in for new terms of office.  David Lewis had previously visited the courthouse to be sworn in for his new term of office.

2. Elect 2021 President of the South Gibson School Board of Trustees
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board
1 minutes


Tim Nurrenbern nominated Janet McBee to be president of the board.  Mike Bengert seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Michael Bengert, Board Member

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

3. Elect 2021 Vice-President of the South Gibson School Board of Trustees
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board
1 minutes


Tim Nurrenbern made a motion to elect Dr. Conway Cox as the vice-president of the board.  Don Steinmetz seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board Member

Seconded: Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the Board

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

4. Elect 2021 Secretary of the South Gibson School Board of Trustees
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board
1 minutes


Tim Nurrenbern nominated Mr. Steve Gruszewski to serve as secretary of the South Gibson School Board of Trustees.  Dr. Conway Cox seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

5. Elect 2021 President of the South Gibson School Board of Finance
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board
1 minutes


Mike Bengert made a motion to elect himself as the president of the South Gibson Board of Finance.  Tim Nurrenbern seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Michael Bengert, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board Member

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

6. Elect 2021 Secretary of the South Gibson School Board of Finance
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board
1 minutes


Steve Gruszewski nominated Don Steinmetz to serve as secretary of the South Gibson Board of Finance.  Dr. Conway Cox seconded the nomination and the motion passed 7-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board

Seconded: Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the Board

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

7. Set time, date and location for the Board of School Trustees regular meeting
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board
1 minutes


Mr. Tim Nurrenbern made a motion to set the normal meeting date of the Board as the third Tuesday of each month, at 6:30 p.m. at Gibson Southern High School.  Don Steinmetz seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of Finance

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

8. Appoint Elaine Tenbarge as the 2021 South Gibson School Corporation Treasurer
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board
1 minutes


Dr. Conway Cox made a motion to appoint Elaine Tenbarge as the 2021 South Gibson School Corporation Treasurer.  Mike Bengert seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the Board

Seconded: Mr. Michael Bengert, Board Member

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

9. Appoint Sandy Edwards as the 2021 South Gibson School Corporation Assistant Treasurer
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board
1 minutes


Tim Nurrenbern made a motion to appoint Sandy Edwards as the Assistant Treasurer of the South Gibson School Corporation for 2021.  Dr. Conway Cox seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board Member

Seconded: Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the Board

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board


Janet McBee opened the floor for patron concerns.  None were voiced.

Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent


The board was presented with a comparison of the tax rates for the three Gibson County School districts.

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent


Tim Nurrenbern made a motion to approve the consent items as presented.  Steve Gruszewski seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

12.1 Approve Minutes from
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

4.2.1  RESIGNATIONS  Aubree Armstrong, Attendance Secretary @ GSHS effective 12/18/20  Jill Schmitt, Cafeteria Worker @ GSHS effective 1/15/21
4.2.2  ECA  Kevin Gengelbach, MS Wrestling Head Coach for 2020-21  Ronnie Robinson, Volunteer MS Wrestling Coach for 2020-21  Sean Whitten, Volunteer MS Wrestling Coach for 2020-21  DG Asay, Head Wrestling Coach @ GSHS for 2020-21  Todd Polen, Assistant Wrestling Coach @ GSHS for 2020-21  Andrew Sulawske, Volunteer Wrestling Coach @ GSHS for 2020-21
4.2.3  EMPLOYMENT  Amanda Huante, Long Term Substitute Teacher @ GSHS effective 1/4/21 @ $25/hr for 7.75 hrs/dy  Rebecca Jordan, Substitute Bus Driver for Spec. Ed. routes effective 1/6/21
4.2.4  FMLA  Ron Kahle  Shana Alldredge  Jennifer Winstead  Dawn Hasenour  Felicia Carpenter
4.2.5  TRANSFERS  Tracey Bender, Attendance Secretary @ GSHS effective 1/4/21 - 8 hrs/dy  Erika Martin, Guidance Secretary @ GSHS effective 1/4/21 - 8 hrs/dy  Veronica Valencia, ELL Aide at OCS effective 1/4/21 - 7.75 hrs/dy  Neil Beste, Head Custodian @ HCS effective 1/11/21  Becky Allen, Increase hours from 5 to 6 hrs/dy as Cafeteria Worker @ HCS effective 1/11/21

Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent


No claims were presented for approval.

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

13.1 Approve 2021 Contract with Legal Counsel J. Robert Kinkle and set annual rate
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


Steve Gruszewski made a motion to approve the 2021 contract with legal counsel J. Robert Kinkle and set the annual rate as outlined in the agreement.  David Lewis seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board

Seconded: Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the Board

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

13.2 Approve the Superintendent's contract
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board
1 minutes


Don Steinmetz made a motion to approve the Superintendent's contract as advertised and discussed in public hearing.  Steve Gruszewski seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

13.3 Approve Homebound contract for Diane Nurrenbern
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


Don Steinmetz made a motion to approve the homebound contract as presented.  Dr. Cox seconded the motion and the motion passed 6-0 with Tim Nurrenbern abstaining.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the Board

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board Member  X
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

13.4 Approve resolution to transfer $125,000.00 from Operations to Cafeteria for December 2020. To be reversed in January 2021
Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent


Tim Nurrenbern made a motion to approve the a resolution to transfer $125,000.00 from Operations to Cafeteria for December, 2020   The same amount was approved to be reversed in January, 2021.   Steve Gruszewski seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

13.5 Approve appropriation adjustments for budget 2020
Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent


Don Steinmetz made a motion to approve the appropriation adjustments for the 2020 budget as presented.  Mike Bengert seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mr. Michael Bengert, Board Member

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

15.1 January 26, 2021 Board of Finance Meeting - 6:30 pm
Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent
1 minutes

15.2 January 26, 2021 Regular Board Meeting - 6:35 pm
Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent
1 minutes

Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board


With no more business to conduct, Dr. Conway Cox made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:42 p.m.  Steve Gruszewski seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0, ending the public meeting.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the Board

Seconded: Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX