South Gibson School Corporation Board of Trustees Meeting

Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board


Steve Gruszewski called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.  In addition to board members and administration, South Gibson Teachers Association President Angela Cooper was present along with patrons and students of South Gibson School Corporation.  No media was present.

1.1 Recognition of Daegan Schafer, 2020 Indiana NASP Middle School Male State Archery Champion


Dr. Humbaugh and the Board recognized Daegan Schafer for his outstanding achievement of being the state archery champion in his age group.  His coach, Tim Speedy, informed the Board of the success of the program and the growth the program has experienced.

1.2 Open Public Meeting to discuss the 2020-21 Tentative Agreement with South Gibson Teachers Association and the South Gibson School Corporation
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent


Steve Gruszewski opened the Public Meeting at 6:38 pm to discuss the tentative agreement with the SGTA and SGSC.  No comments were voiced.  Tim Nurrenbern made a motion to close the Public Meeting at 6:40 pm, the motion was seconded by David Lewis, and the meeting was closed on a 7-0 vote.

Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board


Mr. Gruszewski opened the floor for patron concerns. None were raised.

Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent


The Board was presented with the September 2020 financial reports for the ECA accounts at the school buildings.

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent


David Lewis made a motion to approve the consent items as presented.  Janet McBee seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the Board

Seconded: Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

4.1 Approve Minutes from October 13, 2020 meeting
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

4.2.1  RESIGNATIONS  Tammy Patterson, Cafeteria @ GSHS effective 10/15/20
4.2.2  ECA  Stacy McClellan, Volunteer 6th Gr. Boys Basketball Coach @ OCS for 2020-21  Adam Bush, 8th Gr. Girls Basketball Coach @ OCS for 2020-21  Tim Lewis, Volunteer 5th Gr. Boys Basketball Coach @ HCS for 2020-21  Brian Gries, Volunteer 6th Gr. Boys Basketball Coach @ HCS for 2020-21  Nate Rich, Volunteer 5th Gr. Boys Assistant Basketball Coach @ HCS for 2020-21  Alexis Rusch, 7th Gr. Girls Basketball Coach @ OCS for 2020-21  Kris Pullum, 7th Gr. Boys Basketball Coach @ OCS for 2020-21  Dan Higginbotham, 6th Gr. Girls Volunteer Basketball Coach @ OCS for 2020-21  Chris McClellan, 6th Gr. Boys Volunteer Basketball Coach @ OCS for 2020-21
4.2.4  FMLA

Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent


Claims approved included the following:


  • Payroll dated October 9, 2020       $432,915.81
  • Payroll dated October 23, 2020     $432,863.54


        Vouchers included 56500 - 56685, 56686 - 56714, along with EFT's for payroll taxes and INPRS for a total of $1,666,243.90 

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

5.1 Approve the VI Contract with Warrick County for 2020-21
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


Don Steinmetz made a motion to approve the VI contract as presented.  Dr. Cox seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the Board

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

5.2 Approve 5 yr Contract between Pepsi Beverages Company and SGSC
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


Janet McBee made a motion to approve the contract with Pepsi as presented.  David Lewis seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the Board

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

5.3 Approve the 2021 Budget as advertised
Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent
1 minutes


Tim Nurrenbern made a motion to approve the budget as presented and advertised.  Mike Bengert seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Michael Bengert, Board Member

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

5.4 Adopt the Capital Projects Fund Plan as advertised
Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent


Janet McBee made a motion to approve the Capital Projects plan as presented.  David Lewis seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the Board

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

5.5 Adopt the School Bus Replacement Plan as advertised
Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent


David Lewis made a motion to approve the Bus Replacement Plan with the line correction as noted by Don Steinmetz which didn't affect the budget or the levy rates advertised.  Janet McBee seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the Board

Seconded: Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

5.6 Second reading for Neola Policy 0154 - MOTIONS
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


Tim Nurrenbern made a motion to approve the seconded reading as presented.  Janet McBee seconded the motion and the motion passed 7-0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX  

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the Board


With no more business to conduct, David Lewis made a motion to adjourn at 6:50 pm.  Don Steinmetz seconded the motion and the Board adjourned on a 7-0 vote.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the Board

Seconded: Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of Finance

Mr. Michael Bengert, Board MemberX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, President of the BoardX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Vice President of the BoardX  
Dr. Conway Cox, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Don Steinmetz, President of the Board of FinanceX