South Gibson School Corporation Board of Trustees Meeting

Gibson Southern High School - Library
Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - 6:30pm - 7:00pm

    Mr. David Lewis, President of the Board

    1.1 Recognition of Social Studies and Science Academic State Finalist Teams
    Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
    1 minutes

    Mr. David Lewis, President of the Board

    3. REPORTS
    Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent

    Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

    4.1 Approve Minutes from April 23, 2019
    Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

    Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

        Braiden Grubb, Teacher at FBCS effective 5/21/19   Karen Schile, PK Aide at OCS effective 5/21/19

    4.2.2  ECA
  Chris May, 8th Gr. Boys Basketball  Coach @ HCS for 2019-20  Chris May, 7/8th Gr. Football Coach @ HCS for 2019-20  Ron Kahle, 7/8th Gr. Football Coach @ HCS for 2019-20  Ronnie Robinson, 7/8th Gr. Football Coach @ HCS for 2019-20  Ronnie Robinson, 7th Gr. Girls Basketball Coach @ HCS for 2019-20  Cassie Helfrich, 7th Gr. Volleyball @ HCS for 2019-20  Nick Ivy, Middle School Cross Country @ HCS for 2019-20  Amy Silva, Yearbook Sponsor @ HCS for 2019-20  Brent Winstead, Band Sponsor @ HCS for 2019-20  Annie Dunkel, Cheerleading @ HCS for 2019-20  Emily Schmitt, Head Volleyball Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Shawna Riggs, JV Volleyball Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Easton Clore, Freshman Volleyball Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Rylee Page, Varsity Assistant Volleyball Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Trevor Martin, Assistant Athletic Director @ GSHS for 2019-20  Nick Hart,  Head Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Jeff Sellers,  Assistant Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Chris Barrett,  Assistant Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Brian Snow,  Assistant Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Jeff Long,  Assistant Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Darren Harmon,  Assistant Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Trevor West,  Assistant Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Isaac Sellers, Volunteer Assistant Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Tony Butler, Volunteer Assistant Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Chandler McKee, Volunteer Assistant Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Dan Deer, Volunteer Assistant Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Devin Mills, Volunteer Assistant Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Logan Gibson, Volunteer Assistant Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Cary Maurer, Volunteer Assistant Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Daren Peach, Volunteer Assistant Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Trace Matsel, Volunteer Assistant Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Dylan Heiman, Volunteer Assistant Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Daxton Peach, Volunteer Assistant Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Zach Pullum, Volunteer Assistant Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Nick Sellers, Volunteer Assistant Football Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Chris Barthel, Head Boys Soccer Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Evan Lederman, Volunteer Assistant Boys Soccer Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Cliff Irvin, Girls Golf Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Terry Wallace, Boys Tennis Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Jeremy Aydt, Cross Country Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Jerry Aydt, Volunteer Cross Country Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Stu Parks, Volunteer Cross Country Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Eric Harper, Volunteer Cross Country Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Rachael Hileman, Volunteer Cross Country Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Hayden Baehl, Volunteer Cross Country Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  DG Asay, Head Wrestling Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Todd Polen, Assistant Wrestling Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Kasey Knaebel, Head Swim Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Doug Schneider, Assistant Swim Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Kyle Brasher Head Girls Basketball Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Ron Kahle, Assistant Girls Basketball Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Rusty Reeves, Assistant Girls Basketball Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Bethany Reeves, Volunteer Assistant Girls Basketball Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Kyle Runyan, Head Boys Basketball Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Chandler McKee, Assistant Boys Basketball Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Jason Blackard,  Assistant Boys Basketball Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20  Mark Monroe, Volunteer Assistant Boys Basketball Coach @ GSHS for 2019-20

    4.2.3  EMPLOYMENT
  WALK ON - Trevor Martin, Paraprofessional Remedial Aide @ GSHS for 7/hrs day effective 8/8/19  WALK ON - Griffin Scheller, Life Skills Teacher @ GSHS for 2019-20 effective 8/8/19
    4.2.4  FMLA
    4.2.5  TRANSFERS
    4.2.6  RETIREMENTS
  WALK ON - Linda Stephens, Teacher @ FBCS  WALK ON - John Gentry, Art Teacher @ OCS


    4.3 CLAIMS
    Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent

    Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

    5.1 Approve overnight trip for GSHS Girls Basketball - Nashville, TN - June 13 & 14 , 2019
    Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
    1 minutes

    5.2 Approve out of state Conference for Diane Nurrenbern - AP Conference - Orlando, FL - July 18-21, 2019
    Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

    5.3 Approve transfer of $198,224.88 from Education Fund to Operations Fund for April, 2019
    Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent
    1 minutes

    Program       Title                 Monthly Expense

    23110           School Board                    $            -

    23150           Legal Services                  $      1,678.55

    23210           Superintendents Office     $    13,673.82

    25110           Business Office                 $    15,373.12

    26100           Maintenance Office          $      5,575.69

    26200           Maintenance & Buildings  $140,012.00

    26300           Maintenance of Grounds  $   21,216.56

    26500          Vehicles - not Buses          $        695.14

                                                                   $ 198,224.88

    Basic Grant     $1,080,619.74                          18.34%

    5.4 Approve Reduction in Force of Amber Burkett
    Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
    1 minutes

    5.5 Approve Homebound Contract for Cassie Helfrich, Vanessa Roach, Scott Walden, Julie Hart, Diane Nurrenbern, Kasey Knaebel, Ronnie Robinson
    Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
    1 minutes

    5.6 WALK ON - Approve Boys Basketball Overnight Trip to Crawfordsville, IN - June 24 & 25, 2019
    Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
    1 minutes

    5.7 Approve Dairy Judging FFA Team Overnight Trip on June 4 and 5, 2019 to Columbus, IN
    Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
    1 minutes

    5.8 WALK ON - Approve the Theatre Overnight Trip for May 26 to 29, 2020-New York City
    Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
    1 minutes

    Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

    Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

    7.1 GSHS Baccalaureat - 6 pm , May 24, 2019
    Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent

    7.2 GSHS commencement - 7:00 pm, May 24 2018
    Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
    1 minutes

    Mr. David Lewis, President of the Board
