South Gibson School Corporation Board of Trustees Meeting

Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the Board
1 minutes


Board President  Tim Nurrenbern called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. In addition to Board members and Administrators, Alden Heuring of the South Gibson Star Times and Quiche Matchen of the Princeton Daily Clarion represented the media.  Additionally, Robin Angermeier of the South Gibson Teachers Association was present.


1.1 Open 2015 Budget, Bus Replacement, and Capital Projects Hearing
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


President Tim Nurrenbern opened the 2015 Budget Hearing, Bus Replacement Hearing, and Capital Projects Hearing.  No patrons raised any objections or had any questions concerning what was advertised for 2015. Steve Gruszewski made a motion to close the meeting at 6:31 p.m. and David Lewis seconded the motion.  The motion passed 6/0.

Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the Board
1 minutes


Board President Nurrenbern asked for any patron concerns; none were raised.

Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent
5 minutes

3.1 Financial Update
Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent
1 minutes


The building ECA funds and the SGSC monthly financial reports were presented to the Board.

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
5 minutes

4.1 Approve minutes from August 19, 2014 meeting
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


David Lewis made a motion to approve the Consent Agreement as presented.  Mike Bengert seconded the motion and the motion passed 6/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of Finance

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board Member   
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
5 minutes

4.2.1  RESIGNATIONS  Deana Goings, Cafeteria Worker @ FBCS effective 9/23/14  Travis Farmer, Lang. Arts Teacher @ GSHS effective 9/23/14

4.2.2  ECA  Blake Maurer, Middle School Wrestling Coach for 2014/15  Matt Coughlin, Volunteer Asst. Middle School Wrestling Coach for 2014/15  Kenneth Klein, Sr., Volunteer Boys Soccer Coach @ GSHS for 2014/15  Joe Mraz, Volunteer Travel Club Sponsor @ GSHS for 2014/15

4.2.3  EMPLOYMENT  Lori Austin, HQ Paraprofessional Aide @ OCS for 7 hrs/dy effective 9/2/14  Amanda Estep, Cafeteria Worker @ OCS for3.5 hrs/dy effective 9/3/14  Daniel Thomas, HQ Special Needs Paraprofessional Aide @ GSHS effective 9/2/14  Lisa Joleen Stevens, Language Arts Teacher @ GSHS effective 9/15/14  Jamie Braun, HQ Parafessional Aide @ HCS effective 9/11/14 for 7.5 hrs/dy

4.2.4  FMLA

4.2.5  TRANSFER  Sauney Davis, change in hrs to 3 hrs/dy @ GSHS Cafeteria effective 9/15/14  Tina Harper change in hrs to 5 hrs/dy @ GSHS Cafeteria effective 9/15/14  Chris Clem change in hrs to 5 hrs/dy @ GSHS Cafeteria effective 9/15/14  Sandy Roberts change in hrs to 4 hrs/dy @ GSHS Cafeteria effective 9/15/14  Amber Smith change in hrs to 4 hrs/dy @ GSHS Cafeteria effective 9/15/14



Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent
1 minutes


Claims approved include:

  • Payroll
  1. Check date August 29, 2014 - $319,348.18
  2. Check date September 12, 2014 - $356,386.86
  • Vouchers 41227 - 41239, 41240 - 41453, EFT's and taxes and retirement. $851,208.54

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
5 minutes

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
5 minutes


Janet McBee made a motion to approve the second reading of the NEOLA updates.  Elizabeth Hirsch seconded the motion and the motion passed 6/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board

Seconded: Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board Member

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board Member   
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

5.2 Change in Bus Contract from B&B Bus, Inc. to Robert J. Anslinger
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


David Lewis made a motion to approve the transfer of the bus contract from B & B Bus, Inc. to Robert J. Anslinger.  Steve Gruszewski seconded the motion and the motion passed 6/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board Member

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board Member   
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

5.3 Approve Sunday Cheer Competitions for GSHS Squad
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
2 minutes

5.3.1 - Sunday, October 5, 2014 @ Purdue University
5.3.2 - Sunday, November 16, 2014 @ Warren Central High School


David Lewis made a motion to approve the Sunday Cheer Competitions for GSHS Squad as presented.  Steve Gruszewski seconded the motion and the motion passed 6/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board Member

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board Member   
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

5.4 Approve HI and VI Contract with Warrick County School Corp.
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


Janet McBee made a motion to approve the HI and VI contracts with Warrick County School Corporation.  Mike Bengert seconded the motion and the motion passed 6/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board

Seconded: Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of Finance

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board Member   
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

5.5 Approve Overnight Trip Request for FFA for 10/17/18 and for Boys Tennis on 9/19/14
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


David Lewis made a motion to approve the overnight trip requests for FFA and Boys Tennis as presented.  Elizabeth Hirsch seconded the motion and the motion passed 6/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board Member

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board Member   
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

5.6 Approve the 2014-15 Master Contract pending ratification by the South Gibson Teachers Association
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
2 minutes


Elizabeth Hirsch made a motion to approve the 2014-2015 Master Contract pending ratification by the South Gibson Teachers Association.  David Lewis seconded the motion and the motion passed 6/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board Member   
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

5.7 Approve a 2.5% increase for Support Staff with 33% remaining on base
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


Mike Bengert made a motion to approve a 2.5% increase for Support Staff with 33% remaining on the base pay.  Steve Gruszewski seconded the motion and the motion passed 6/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board Member

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board Member   
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

5.8 Approval of Administrative increase (same as Certified Staff)
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


David Lewis made a motion to approve the Adminstrative increase (same as Certified Staff).  Janet McBee seconded the motion and the motion passed 6/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board Member   
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
5 minutes

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
5 minutes

7.1 October 20, 2014 - Fall Break
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes

7.2 OCTOBER 21, 2014 - Regular Board meeting
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes

Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the Board
1 minutes


There being no further business to be conducted, Janet McBee made a motion to adjourn at 6:45 p.m.   David Lewis seconded the motion, and the motion passed 6/0.  The Board meeting ended.