South Gibson School Corporation Board of Trustees Meeting

1 minutes


Tim Nurrenbern called the meeting to order at 06:35 p.m.  In addition to Board members and Administration, Carla Jochim of the South Gibson Teachers Association, George Link of VPS Architecture, Fort Branch Principal Michael Galvin, and Gwen Siekman of Tobacco Free Gibson County were present.



Tim Nurrenbern asked for any patron concerns.  None were expressed.

Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent
1 minutes

3.1 Report from Tobacco Free Gibson County
Gwen Siekman
5 minutes


Gwen Siekman reported to the Board on the efforts of Tobacco Free Gibson County.

Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent
1 minutes


The Board was presented with the preliminary 2013 financial reports along with a comparison of the tax rates of South Gibson School Corporation with the other two Gibson County schools.

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
5 minutes


David Lewis made a motion to approve the Consent items as presented.  Steve Gruszewski seconded the motion and the motion passed 7/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board Member

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board MemberX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

4.1 Approve January 14, 2014 Board meeting minutes
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


Motioned: Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board Member

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, SuperintendentF
1 minutes


4.2.2  ECA

4.2.3  EMPLOYMENT  Emily Amos, Paraprofessional Aide at FBCS effective January 2, 2014 for 7.5/hrs/dy

4.2.4  FMLA  April Weisheit  Laura Russell  Lori Keil


4.2.6  RETIREMENTS  Jan Burger, effective 5/22/14 from OCS
     4.2.7 1  Kevin Hurt, effective 5/22/14 from OCS

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


Claims approved include:

  • Payroll
  1. Check date January 3, 2014  -  $345,907.86
  2. Check date January 17, 2014 - $313,215.15
  3. Check date January 31, 2014 - $353,479.85
  • Vouchers 39592,39743-39766, EFT's of taxes and retirement, 39764-39955. $436,191.26 .

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes

5.1 Approve permission to advertise for track resurfacing bids for GSHS
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


David Lewis made a motion to approve the advertment for track resurfacing bids for GSHS and the appointment of Dr. Humbaugh and Tim Armstrong as the bid committee for bids to be received and opened on February 25, 2014.  Elizabeth Hirsch seconded the motion and the motion carried 7/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board Member

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board MemberX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

5.2 Conflict of Interest Form
Mr. Larry Johnson Board Member
1 minutes

5.1.1   Larry Johnson


Janet McBee made a motion to approve the Conflict of Interest Form from Larry Johnson.  Mike Bengert seconded the motion and the motion carried 6/0/1 with Mr. Johnson abstaining.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board

Seconded: Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of Finance

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board Member  X
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

5.3 Approve Transfer of $2183.28 from Debt Service Fund to Textbook Rental Fund for 2013 calender year
Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent
1 minutes


David Lewis made a motion to approve the transfer of $2,183.28 from the Debt Sevice Fund 200 to Textbook Rental Fund 900 for 2013.  The motion was seconded by Larry Johnson and the motion passed 7/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mr. Larry Johnson Board Member

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board MemberX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

5.4 Approve Transfer of $4611.39 from Debt Service Fund to Textbook Rental Fund for 2014 calender year
Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent
1 minutes


Larry Johnson made a motion to approve the transfer from Debt Service Fund 200 to Textbook Rental Fund 900 in the amount of $4,611.39 for 2014.  Janet McBee seconded the motion and the motion passed 7/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Larry Johnson Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board MemberX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

5.5 Approve Transfer of $761,300.00 Transportation Operating Fund to Rainy Day Fund
Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent
1 minutes


David Lewis made a motion to approve the transfer of $761,300.00 from the Transportation Operating Fund 410 to the Rainy Day Fund 610 from balances available at the end of 2013.  Steve Gruszewski seconded the motion and the resolution passed 7/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board Member

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board MemberX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

5.6 Approve Transfer of $453,141.95 from Levy Excess to Transportation Operating Fund
Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent
1 minutes


Larry Johnson made a motion to approve the transfer of $453,141.95 from the Levy Excess Fund 1200 to the Transportation Operating Fund 410.  Elizabeth Hirsch seconded the motion and the motion carried 7/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Larry Johnson Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board Member

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board MemberX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

5.7 Approve FFA Overnight Trip for Soil Judging Apr. 28 to May 2, 2014
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


Elizabeth Hirsch made a motion to approve the FFA overnight trip for soil judging as presented.  Steve Gruszewski seconded the motion and the motion passed 7/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board Member

Seconded: Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board Member

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board MemberX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

5.8 Approve the IndianaMAC Program Participation Agreement
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


Mike Bengert made a motion to approve the IndianaMAC participation agreement.  David Lewis seconded the motion and motion passed 7/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board MemberX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

5.9 Approve Capital Project Carry-Forwards from 2013 to 2014
Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent
1 minutes


Mike Bengert made a motion to approve the Capital Projects appropriation carry-forwards as presented.  Janet McBee seconded the motion and the motion passed 7/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board MemberX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

5.10 Approve adjustment journal entries EOY 2013
Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent
1 minutes


Larry Johnson made a motion to approve the appropriation adjustments for 2013 as presented.  David Lewis seconded the motion, and the motion passed 7/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Larry Johnson Board Member

Seconded: Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board MemberX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

5.11 Approve deposits of interest earned into the general fund excluding construction funds
Mr. Tim Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent
1 minutes


Janet McBee made a motion to approve the deposit of interest earned into the General Fund (excluding the construction fund interest).  Steve Gruszewski seconded the motion and the motion passed 7/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board

Seconded: Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board Member

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board MemberX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

5.12 Approve Homebound Instruction Contract for Carol Hudson
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
2 minutes


David Lewis made a motion to approve the Homebound Instruction contract with Carol Hudson.  Elizabeth Hirsch seconded the motion and the motion passed 7/0.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of Finance

Seconded: Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board Member

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board MemberX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX  

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes


Dr. Humbaugh informed the Board that South Gibson recieved a waiver for the snow days of January 6 & 7, 2014.  This means the days will not have to be made up later in the school calendar.

Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes

7.1 February 8, 2014 - GSHS Homecoming
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes

7.2 February 18, 2014 - Regular Board meeting
Dr. Stacey Humbaugh, Superintendent
1 minutes

Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the Board
1 minutes


There being no more business to conduct, Janet McBee made a motion to adjourn into Executive Session at 7:10 p.m.  Larry Johnson seconded the motion and the Board adjourned the regular meeting.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the Board

Seconded: Mr. Larry Johnson Board Member

Mr. Michael Bengert,Vice President of the Board and President of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Steve Gruszewski, Board MemberX  
Mrs. Elizabeth Hirsch, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Lewis, Board Member, Secretary of the Board of FinanceX  
Mr. Larry Johnson Board MemberX  
Mrs. Janet McBee, Secretary of the BoardX  
Mr. Tim Nurrenbern, President of the BoardX